clinton was impeached for lying about a consensual blowjob,.. ken starr found nothing else, he spent over six years investigating clinton, and billed taxpayers more than $70 million,.. got that, the 6 year witch hunt cost us $70 million
apologies as i thought you were referencing trump, russia, etc. my attention to detail took a break....
republicans were out to get clinton, a "vast right-wing conspiracy"... was obvious as the sun I know nothing about biden's alleged shenanigans,.. if he's dirty as you say, shoot him in the forehead
is ok the wheel keeps on turning,.. I suspect the trump witch hunt got further than the biden investigation will,.. we'll see
The Biden investigation won't go anywhere unless "they" plan to use it to install the wicked witch of the west. Democrats get away with everything, Republicans go to jail over made up shit. All hail the media and the totally, absolutely and irredeemably corrupt left.
au contraire, clinton was impeached for lying about consensual sex,.. your bias is showing,.. left and right media is pure propaganda now
That "consensual" sex was in the oval office with a subordinate half his age (or more) . My federal government sexual harassment training for managers said this is about as big a no no as there is. As a subordinate she can't give "real informed consent". Besides, he didn't get into trouble for the sex, it was the lying. And the last time I checked, the real (right) media reported on the factual story that Hunter Biden was under investigation by the FBI and IRS. The state (left) media and big tech suppressed it and covered it up. They didn't cover it at all until yesterday, months after it was known. Looks at his, we taxpayers pay them to produce this shit Damn right I'm biased, biased for the truth and fair play. Also, your bias is showing (so is your horniness and lack of a conscience when it comes to the fairer sex).
Monica pursued and seduced him, but Mr Bill totally fucked up,.. I mentioned that clinton lied,.. my alleged horniness is not pertinent Donald and wife, Melania in 1971
"Just say No" lol. You have to... Some women pursue their bosses. I was in several (4-5) situations as a 20 something boss that could have easily turned into a problem. Despite still being single, I said no every time (Damnit). I would expect the occupant of the oval office to be able to say no too.
I would only think Biden orchestrated anything but picking his nose if he was smarter than a vegetable