Andy Macarthy of National Review usually defends Trump yet destroys the Texas case as frivolous. First every claim raised in Texas’s complaint has already been rejected by other courts; in particular, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals (in two cases, here and here) and the federal district court in Pennsylvania Also there is a legal means to challenge the electoral count. Federal law provides a procedureunder which, on January 6, Congress will convene to count the electoral votes. If Texas’s elected representatives, or those of any other state, object to the counting of any state’s electoral votes, Congress will hear, debate, and vote on those objections at that point Don’t hold your breath for the SCOTUS to do anything but deny the motion or that a challenge on January 6 to happen.
Well no it hasn't AND if I'm not mistaken, the PA case is actually still alive at least it was last night
may choose to resign.... ask yourself this. why as late as Oct/Nov the media collectively refused to even mention the hunter biden story and treated anyone who did as a nut case but are now discovering it? make way for president harris....
Clinton stuff was true. FBI even stated that. They just said "nah, no charges" and by all accounts the Hunter Biden information is also true.
are you 2 the most gaslighted dumbasses on the planet. the story has been told here repeatedly while you and the others denied it all. For years now. Joe has used his crackhead son to funnel billions of dollars via the chinese. Joe will not be impeached because hes never being sworn in. Hes up to balls in Beijing. I keep wondering if all these carriers are being used as prisons. We would still fill them.