That shows nothing and does not address the case filed by TX and LA and now I'm hearing Alabama which doesn't claim fraud. Instead it alleges, which is crafty because it is provable that states broke the law by changing election laws in a way that violates state as well as the US Constitution.
Now I'm hearing 8 states on the law suit and they will continue to stack up. This shit is going down. All you Orange man haters best seek therapy now. Might be able to beat the rush
I think the odds of that happening are somewhere between slim & none. Slim rode off into the sunset & none is saddling up.
Well, SCOTUS rejected even hearing the claim form Pennsylvania. Stripper Mellisa Carone, who had pleaded guilty of computer fraud in the past, is now in quarantine and is a joke. Cute blonde stripper she was never mind. When is the Orange Man Burning festival going to happen?