We know arrogant ... and are glad it's so. They can try all the tricks in Stoopsie's book ... nothing will work. Simple facts! LSU is the physically stronger team of the two on both sides of the ball in the trenches, where these gridiron wars are won. OU gives up too much weight to LSU in the middle. Just watch. LSU has better overall team speed than OU at key positions. Back it up, ramah ... hey! QB---who's faster ... molasses is faster than White, Mauck is a 4.6 man RB---gimme a break here ... isn't Adrian Peterson headed to OK? maybe next year you'll have a push here ... no ... we got Watson coming in. KR---Ain't no crow can fly faster than Skyler Green can run ... NCAA return leader ... as a Freshmen ... with no awards ... WE LOVE IT ... AND WE HOPE LSU NEVER WINS ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL AWARD FOR THE NEXT 50 YEARS. OL/TE---> snickers, just tell us your line is quicker, we'll believe you ... really. THE LSU OL will be the huge difference in this game. WR------> you think you have faster WRs than LSU, you may be almost as fast as LSU here ... and nowhere as deep. And Brandon Jones has 10 thumbs ... lol. now ... all my chattering and you'd think OU hasn't a chance. Hey, Matt Mauck can blow it for LSU with about four turnovers and play without a running game and key defensive injuries ... like in the FLA game ... that's OU's only prayer ... LSU's first defense doesn't give up TDs ... the most is 2 this year against the FIRST TEAM DEE YOU CAN WIGGLE AND GRUNT ... THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM FACT
based on owen's & ramah's analysis, i don't think either team should even show-up! let's just go ahead and create a dual national championship b/w OU and LSU b/c it's obvious neither team is beatable
Ill say one thing owen, a loss is a losss BUT there was ALLOT of difference in our one loss and the total domination that KSU put on you guys. KSU is about as good a team as UGA. did you happen to see the LSU /UGA SEC CG? Just wondering.
I don't agree with you Ramah, and if anything OU has been in this boat for quite a while. I mean I am pulling my heart out for an LSU victory and I do think we can pull it off, but in no way can I think or say LSU will win easy. I don't think it would be fair to judge LSU by the Florida game alone just as it would not be fair to judge OU by the KSU game. Sure I think we match up well, but gosh you sound like we have been beating teams like OU for ten years. To love LSU football is one thing, to down play other great teams because of it is another, point is two great teams will meet on Jan 4th for what should be the best game of the year. Enjoy it!!!!!!
Ramah is right in a good many things he says but one thing he is right ON TOP OF is this, the key to OU is Matt Mauck, if he is cranked up OU is going to have a tough game. I don't think anyone can beat LSU if MM is "ON". If he is having a mediocre day then OU can win it with 21 points. WHICH is about the most they will score on our defense anyway. I really think MM is going to have a banner day for LSU though and get something I'd like to see before he goes on to future endeavors, ( whatever they may be ) a MVP for the Sugar bowl. You heard it here first folks I called it.