1. Well time is a human invention. The start of the universe is the start of the measurement.

    Therefore, it is reasonable to assume God operates outside of what we measure as time.
    shane0911 likes this.
  2. You think the universe knows it's a universe? Yes time is a human invention because only man can invent. However don't you think time is a natural thing in that time is time not an invention?
  3. No. Time is a form of measurement.

    Put it to you this way, without humans, the earth still turns. Even if no one here to observe it.
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. I dunno if we can assume time didn't exist at any point, or if that if it only means anything in terms of human measurement, that that means anything with respect to a possible god.
  5. but I can and do ask the question
    not necessarily, empathy and reason etc are evolved behaviors and can spring organically from a brain without being created. a sufficiently complex computer will display these behaviors.

    we humans are poorly equipped to accept something we don't understand. we have to explain it somehow in the same terms we are used to. most complex things we know about required creation, so we apply that broadly to the universe.
  6. Well. I mean, don’t we give time a start value?

    Nothingness before then bam.

    The problem with time in its current form is we have no way to see before the point at which we determined time to have started.
  7. All of this philosophical talk started because Rex pointed out that we should kill babies. It was a good diversion.
  8. there was a point before time? says who? there was a state of nothingness? says who?
  9. Gotta love how god-believers love to "explain" things in terms they can't even comprehend. "God operates outside of what we measure as time" is complete gibberish.
  10. We 'see' the universe created ~13.8 billion years ago, erupting from a singularity. There are a few quack theories that try to squirm out of the creation, but the evidence says otherwise. Just accept in, the Universe was created, question is, did a quark pop into existence and fart a cloud of space dust that created trillions of galaxies. Or was it a supreme intelligence/being that transcends our space, time, and all that we know from our teeny tiny perspective? hmmm, i say who not what created our Universe.

    Should we venture into the mind boggling odds of our goldilocks Universe, that supports life?