hard, soft, chocolate, vanilla, stawberry, with nuts or without, what types of toppings? for me, i like breyers butter pecan and cherry vanilla as well as godiva's dark chocolate plus, i can't remember if its edy's, but someone makes a keylime pie ice cream with pieces of pie crust in it. like to top all of them off with peanuts.
Hand-cranked, fairly soft vanilla. Sometimes lemon-vanilla. It always taste best at a fish fry in August.
Chocolate chip cookie dough or good ole fashioned vanilla for me.....and not the cheap kind of vanilla either, the good homemade type stuff.....
My favorite flavor of ice cream is double dutch chocolate. My favorite "ice cream snack" is the cannoli from Brocato's on Carrollton. If you've never tried it, take a trip over (it's about a 1/2 block off Canal on Carrollton). It's FANTASTIC. And, it will make you quote the Godfather incessantly!!!
Ben and Jerry's, hands down. New York Super Fudge Chunk (name might be kinda off), and Making Whoopie are two of their best efforts to date. Blue Bell ice cream is not bad either. If we are talking ice cream stores, Marble Slab Creamery is greatness.
My team has 7 National Championships in football, so I can afford to be picky about my icecream dammit.
Baskin Robbins: Mint Chocolate Chip (malt or milkshake); Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Hagen-Daz: Vanilla Swiss Almond Blue Bell: Chocolate Moolenium Crunch; Mint Chocolate Chip; Cookie Dough; Cookies and Cream Blue Bunny: Deluxe Bunny Tracks Brown's Velvet: Butter Pecan Breyer's: Chocolate Chip