What will Tubocrap DO?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TNT, Jul 7, 2003.

  1. TNT

    TNT Founding Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Let's discuss what will happen to Jamarcus Rowell (or whatever his name may be) at Auburn? I'm willing to bet the "released language" will sound like something from the "propaganda organ" at Arkansas/F$U/Tennessee and other places with "Spinner HC's". Tubo will grouse.......act and speak with "grave concerns" and turn right around to MAKE SURE HE'S AVAILABLE FOR ALL THE "BIG GAMES" ON THEIR SCHEDULE. There can be no doubt of the mendacity of this "Miami Wannabe HC"! Tubby has "winked at en encouraged" thuggery at Auburn. Were it not for the good citizens of the "cowtown on the plains" he'd already run roughshod over the Auburnites with his "bonding activities". He'll get the "homeys" to rally around Jamarcus by establishing a "its us against the world" mentality.

    Dale Brown was famous for doing this type of stuff. Blowing "smoke screens" and reciting a "makeshift mantra" is the stuff of "snakeoil salesmen". They are every where. NOT ALL, HOWEVER, ARE AS SHAMELESS AS TUBOCRAP.......HOUSTON NUTT....ETC. They will try to WIN AT ALL COST. Fan "greed for victories" give tacit approval for their types. LSU has never stooped so low...but with Nick Saban it will not be presented in the foreseeable future. Thugs "better be" removed from our university campuses.....OTHERWISE it sends the message that it's ok to put the rest of the student body AT RISK. That is a blight unto campuses across the land. Once considered a "safe haven for young people" has become one of the most "dangerous venues" for young men an women in the U.S. We allow predators and young criminals to take shelter JUST BECAUSE THEY RUN FAST.....SOMETIMES WIN GAMES.......GIVE US REASON ON CHEER THEIR ATHLETICITY. It has GOTTA STOP!!:cuss:
  2. SoLa in NoIll

    SoLa in NoIll Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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