Since moving up to Boston in '01, I've made at least one home game since (2 home games in '03--Auburn and Arkansas) but after April 18th, since I'll be living in Atlanta, I plan on making at least 2 every year. This year, I wouldn't mind seeing: 1.) Fresno St. --I have a LOT of respect for Pat Hill's Bulldogs and I think they're a really good program--one of the so-called "mid-major's" best--probably better than a LOT of "Major" programs 2.) 'Bama-- there's nothing like experiencing an LSU victory over the Tide--especially if it's in Baton Rouge...That whole "the Tide don't lose in Baton Rouge" thing makes it that more satisfying. However, I have a couple of real good friends up here in Boston that have since converted to LSU fans (pretty solid ones at that, too), and my buddy (who came to the Ole Miss game with me in '04) despirately wants to go back--this time, with his girlfriend...So I might be easier to find extra tickets for them against ULL...