If you could only go to two football games this year, which would you choose? I'm thinking Arizona, because I hate the PAC10, and Ole Miss, for obvious reasons. If we played Auburn at home I'd say that game, but we don't. I'd say BAMA is the next enticing home game in a year short on good home games, but I'd still rather see the Ole Piss game.
Fortunatly I dont have to make that decision. Plus do you get only one SEC game, if so Take Bama. Ole Miss is terrible and you will be done by half. I would consider Fresno State, exciting team, a new team for LSU.
This coming season isn't a good year for home games. I hate Ole Miss & they usually seem to give LSU a good game (this past year not with standing, they should be much improved although still pathetic). So I'd make it to that game. I'd also probably take the Bama game.
you guys do have a point. I just want to make sure I go to a game that gets rowdy. I'm hoping for at least one night game. If I decide on Bama and Fresno, ya think at least Fresno will be night? Maybe both? I'd like to go to the Ole Piss game but if they are just going to get rolled by halftime I'll pass and go to Bama. Originally it was a tossup for me b/w zona and fresno. I said zona because it was in the beginning of the season and I absolutely despise all Pac10 teams. I am pretty excited about the Fresno game though. Damn, gimme some more opinions.
when do tickets go on sale? I'll either be buying them from someone else or outside the stadium, so I guess my question is, when will people start to get their tickets?
Every team we play at home this year should be severely out-talented. That doesn't necessarily mean we will whoop them, but we are atleast capable of making every one of those games a blow out.