This thread is all I really know about the situation. How bad was she beat up? How long have Oliver and the woman been together? I'm assuming they are now living apart.
Again, I'll preface my remarks with saying ... IF THE ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE, I'll be damned if I will support this young man or Saban's decision to keep him on this team. It may be acceptable for some to slap the little woman around, but it's not for me...
I said that is what I thought Saban should do. Saban's job is as a coach and mentor for these kids. The judicial systems job is to punish Oliver not LSU or Nick Saban.
So you don't think Saban should ever kick players off the team for committing a crime? Just leave it up to the judicial system?
I haven't read anything that led me to believe anyone had the hell beaten out of them. Don't sensationalize the situation into something it's not. Secondly, putting yourself in the place of the victim is the worse thing you can do when trying to make a logical and rational decision. Emotion is your enemy. However, if it were my sister football would have nothing to do with it, the last thing I would be worried about is whether this guy plays football again. I would be in the hospital recovering from foolishly trying to beat the ever living sh!t out of a man twice my size.
Here is a quote from The Reveille ... "The petition says she suffered from a bruised and swollen jaw, and a fractured and scraped elbow." Again, if it's TRUE, I'd say a broken bone and bruises qualify as beating the hell out of someone. Here's the full article posted in another thread on this board ...
I'd probably be in jail because I would bring a weapon with me ... not gonna give him a chance to beat me up! :grin:
In most cases I don't feel that kicking a kid off the team is justified on the first offense. Obviously there are some exceptions to that rule but I don't think this is one of them.
What I'd Do I would put him on some kind of double, not-so-secret probation whereby he is practically under 'campus arrest.' He will not be allowed anywhere by himself except the bathroom, and even then I'm not so sure. He is not to miss class, a workout or any other school or football-related activity unless he is on his deathbed, and even then he'll need a note from the coroner. Any violation of team rules or rules stated above gets him kicked out. All of this is subject to change upon the completion of legal proceedings. If he is deemed to have harmed his girlfriend or their child, then he is gone. Adios.