IMO, unless it turns out to be a situation where the girl is making it up I would say that I likley would kick Oliver off the team. There are certian things that as a football coach you just can't tolerate and violence against women is one of them, especially in the wake of the Colorado mess. What would you do if it were up to you?
It is just totally impossile to say without knowing all the details. If anyone can set him straight, it is Coach Saban. I 100% trust whatever decision Saban makes. If he kicks him, it will be because he deserved it. If he doesn't kick him, it will be because it wasn't necessary to do so.
I am with you 100 % on this. It's like you said, if the girl is telling the truth. I hope she is lying. There are a couple of posters on here however that wish to give him a free pass on this, no matter what. Same posters that will talk about Thug U an Free Shoes U at the drop of a hat (or at the battery of a woman).
Take this to the bank. Oliver isn't going anywhere. Yes Saban has been running a very respectable program, but coaches are still judged primarily by wins and losses. He knows that and Oliver is a huge need for this year. I like Saban and appreciate him as much as anyone on this board, but I am also a realist. Unless Oliver is put in jail, he will be playing the first SEC game. Take your shots and say Saban will make his decision solely based on the facts. Would you be saying that about other head coaches in the SEC? If I am wrong, I will gladly come back and take my medicine.
You are suggesting that Saban will sacrifice his principles for wins and losses. You are sadly misguided in your thoughts.
"We will take this opportunity to educate this young man about what he did wrong and how unacceptable it is. That will not be tolerated. However, I feel the best way to help him is to not kick him out on the street" Or something like that. Don't be so damn naive. I will gladly take any wagers if you are so certain about this.
Two Words : Damein James comes to mind. Nick Saban will not put up with nonesense. He looks at the big picture, not just this coming season's needs on the DL. On the flip side, he won't give a player the death penalty just to make a statement to the rest of the team. Saban has recently commented on how he looks at discipline. It must fit the crime and motivate someone to be a better person..Kicking a player off the team does not help (Oliver) them become a better person. So if Oliver is guilty, he will not be kicked off the team, but will be a stiff punishment. Like miss the first 3-5 games or something else pretty significant.
Wrong. Damian James situation had nothing to do with Saban. He broke an NCAA rule, knew it and took off before it would be revealed.
If this is a first offense, I don't know that he should be kicked off permanently. If this is already his second, third or whatever chance, then I would fully support his dismissal. People make mistakes, no one is dead and no damage has been done that cannot be undone. He should have football taken away from him, but perhaps he should be given the oppurtunity to earn it back. Community service, higher academic standards, counseling. We like to think that coach Saban makes good men out of the kids he brings into the program, and one way he accomplishes that is by the example he sets for these young men. While I agree that it is important to maintain the highest standards in the way this football team represents the university, I don't think forgiveness is a virtue that would reflect poorly on this institution, and I definately think that being strong yet forgiving sets a great example for these young men. To sum it up, take it away and make him work his @ss off to get it back.
if the reports are acurate (and that's a big "IF") he's gotta go. I hope it isn't true, but if it is we all know the saying, "if you make an exception for one, ..." Saban is not a person who makes exceptions. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.