What LSU Baseball Has Meant (CWS)

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by WinnfieldTiger, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. WinnfieldTiger

    WinnfieldTiger Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    I know this is a bit out of date, but right after 9-1-1 I went to Washington D. C. to a law enforcement training session and attending the same session were five Nebraska state police officers.

    When they found out I was from La. they immediately wanted to talk about LSU baseball, how LSU fans treated them at the CWS in Omaha (they all worked the games), how LSU fans fed them; they asked a dozen questions about gumbo, how to cook Cajun dishes, etc., etc., etc.

    These guys went on and on for a week about LSU, LSU baseball, LSU fans, and how they and about everyone else in law enforcement and those who are connected to the CWS in Omaha loved to see LSU at the CWS.

    I've been a fan of LSU since the late 1950s and though unable to attend LSU, like most in the state I pull hard for it and follow it and I thank all you folks on this board who keep us up in the sticks up to date on what is going on.

    That said, I pray our new baseball coach can get the players in who can take us back to Omaha and make us once again a permanent fixture. For years at my mother's side family reunion, we all spent most of our time watching LSU at the CWS. Now all we do is sit around and eat and drink beer and listen to each other lie and see who can lie the best.
    6 people like this.
  2. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Don't worry, CPM is definitely going to put us where we belong. LSU baseball is legendary and it's not dying any time soon. We may have hit on hard times as of late, but as the old adage goes: The darkest hour is just before dawn.
  3. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Nice Story Winn

    I hope one day we can achieve half of the good ole days of LSU baseball. I dont think any team will match what LSU did then. We have some really talented freshman and JUCO players coming in this year and with a few breaks going our way on Thursday, we could have a really good year next year. Omaha might be a long shot next year but I expect some real good baseball.
  4. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Great story Winn. Don't worry. We'll be back in Omaha where we belong. All great programs go through down years and thats where we've been for the last few. But things are looking up.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I have to pay tribute to the best export Cali ever got from Cajun country. Raoul Dedeaux was USC's head coach from 1941-1986 and won 11 NC's. My dad played 1st base for Rod many years ago and to Rod, EVERYONE was "Tiger". My love of baseball/softball no doubt came from my dad and from Rod who always had a smile, a handshake, and a story.

    Here's to LSU and USC making it back to Omaha VERY soon.
  6. youcandoit1687

    youcandoit1687 Founding Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    All of Omaha loves LSU. We're great for the economy, bringing the most fans, and of course, we know how to have a good time. I went one, maybe two, years that LSU wasn't there, of course wearing LSU stuff and everybody would say we miss you guys being here in full force but there's still so many of y'all here. Omaha is like a second home to a lot of Tiger fans, myself included, I just want to go back and see LSU in it like '00, my first year there.
  7. goldengirlfan

    goldengirlfan simple man

    Dec 31, 2003
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    LSU's 5 championships in 10 years will be difficult for any team to match any time soon. Since 1991, other than LSU's 5, only 3 teams have won twice, Texas, Miami, and Cal State Fullerton. Five other teams have won it once during that time. College baseball has developed, on a national level, by leaps and bounds since the 90s. All schools are bound by the 11.7 scholarship limit. Parity exists like never before. Facilities, collectively speaking, are the best they've ever been. Nowadays, it's a tall order for a team to get to Omaha every year like the Tigers seemed to do so easily in the 1990s. I posted in another thread that 5 of the top 8 national seeds were eliminated last weekend. The remaining 3 still have to get out of their respective superregionals this weekend to get to Omaha. It ain't easy.

    Having made my case for how difficult it will be to replicate Skip's success, I look forward to seeing what our new coach can do with his own recruits and his own system. I'll watch every game of the CWS but it sure would be more fun if the Tigers were in the mix.
  8. northernLSUfan

    northernLSUfan Founding Member

    May 17, 2004
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    I know what you mean. '00 was my first year in Omaha and I haven't missed a year since. Omaha isn't quite as magical when the tigers aren't there, but I am officially hooked on the CWS and won't miss it for the world.
  9. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Jan 18, 2005
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    I know that it's extremely hypothetical and totally subjective, but even with the talent LSU had in the 90s, how do you think those teams would compare with the teams of today? Relatively speaking of course. I think that they'd still be able to hang with the "newer" teams despite the parity. The fundamentals of baseball are basically still the same. Obviously the bats have changed (for the better,) but some of those homers hit in the 90s still would have gotten out with toned-down bats.

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