7 dropped passes.aren't we suppose to have like one of the best receiving units in the nation?? these guys looks great on paper but when they get on the field they don't live up to the hype, i mean im a big fan of these guys they are great athletes, fast, agile, they can do everything except catch the ball. and last time i checked thats the most important thing about being a reciever right?? and JR is getting hammered cuz yea its his fault the receivers have stone hands. all i need to say is that there would be alot less complaining on the forum if the receivers just did their job. (hint hint dwayne bowe) i think it might help les miles and jimbo to open up the play book a lil more cuz honestly if my players were dropping those easy receptions i would be a little hesitant too
everyone is complaining about les miles playing not to lose and not opening up the offense, I think it is in part because the receivers aren't making enough plays. If you drop a pass it stops the clock, its hard to have ball control when you're receivers drop easy passes on third downs that will get a first. i want just as much as everyone else that les miles just let the offense loose, but unless people start making plays I see why he's not taking any chances. he's pretty much relying on the defense to get us out of a jam and trying to keep our offense from putting us in a jam
Man, if a coach has no faith in his receivers catching the ball and still plays them then he really sucks. If going by this logic then there is no reason to be playing the receivers he plays
I think his logic makes perfect sense. Bowe is our #1 receiver, yet isn't reliable so he plays more conservatively. That ain't rocket science. Just do what it takes to win, even if it isn't always pretty.