Thats a top! Used to wrap string around the thing and throw it while the string unravels making it spin like crazy! Cant believe nobody has gotten either one of these. Here's another image hint on the first one.
All I see is a bag phone and some type of old computer, like the ones that used to hook up to the TV. I can't think of what they were called. If it's neither one of those, then I don't know.
Well, I don't know what that is, either. :lol: I don't see a picture or link on his post. All I see are his comments 'Whippersnappers will never get this one'. Is there supposed to be a pic?
You're right fanatic. Bag phone circa 1980's and TI-99 computer. The other pic I posted is a Commodore 64 computer. I've owned all 3.
I remember those. That was before we even knew what a 'cell phone' was. Back then, they were just called 'car phones' and you had to connect an antenna to the back window for them to work. Quite the status symbol, back in the day. :hihi: