Give us a break, Martin. Looking through the photos, I would venture an opinion that every object shown in "What Is It?" could be used to 'punish' mouthy bitches and 'uppity minorities.' You are limited only by your imagination.
On review I have to give this one to KyleK: his description, "It looks like something that you would run a line through - to make a handle for pulling," is so descriptive of it's function that I don't think we can get much closer. This is an "Easy Rigg," a device to run a 1/4"-3/8" line thru; the line is attached to the downhaul line of (usually) a windsurfer rig. It is a "Downhaul" device to dramatically improve both traction and force in hauling the line against gravity--and wind. Congrats to KyleK.
Ha! I was actually thinking it had something to do with sailing and definitely would've said so if Herb had posted it. Give me a few min to find something.
Would the device typically be used to punish bitches that talk back? Or is it something Zigfried and Roy would use to tame lions?