What if Bush would have done that? This is an article about the things Obama has done, and the question this article asks is what if Bush had done this? What if Bush had done that? - Yahoo! News First i never knew SabanFan wrote articles, nice man. :hihi: Secondly i think this question is dumb, for one Conservatives are whining about everything Obama does, just like Liberals whined about everything W did. How do we rid ourselves of both political parties? Republicans and Democrats, both parties need to be abolished. Does anyone ever think we will see the day that someone other than a Republican or Democrat will be elected to the Presidency?
I thought that 20 years ago. Don't hold your breath. The electoral college system with its winner-take-all policy is designed to prevent small start-up parties from getting any votes at all. The gerrymandering of congressional districts every ten years makes the problem worse. Whenever a viable third party has emerged in a presidential race, it always seems to be to the right of the republicans (Perot) or to the left of the Democrats (Nader) rather than in the middle where the power vacuum is. I give up on a third party. Now I only hope that one or both current parties move back towards the middle from the very thin extreme limbs they are out on now.
i agree with red on this. the closed primary system many states (like oklahoma) have, keeps a strong third party from developing.
CAUTION: THIS POST MAY PISS SOME PEOPLE OFF. Incumbents of both parties should fear for their political lives, but the present leadership is really doing their best to foment revolution among the masses who live between the coasts. The uncontrolled spending is creating debt that will, in a relatively short time, cause the US to lose it's AAA credit rating. Moody's is saying 2-3 years at the current rate. This means bankruptcy. I've heard predictions that in 6 years, every single personal income tax dollar collected will go to pay off the interest on the debt. Obama, Reid and Pelosi are bound and determined to ram Health Care reform, including a public option, down our collective throats, despite clear evidence that the growing majority of Americans DO NOT WANT IT!!! Same goes for climate change legislation. ObamaNero keeps the extreme left at bay while the country burns around him. Bullsh!t speeches in arrogant tones do nothing to appease those of us with real concerns for our economic and physical safety The taliban is regrouping and American troops are dying while Obama fiddle phucks around trying to figure out the most politically expedient way to handle McCrystal's request for more troops. Obama, Emanuel and Axelrod are more concerned with Fox News than national security. Achmanijed, or whatever the hell is name is, is, literally, laughing at the weak kneed foreign policy of The Chosen One. Al Qaeda is patiently biding their time. This is not the political ravings of a right wink kook folks. Everything is the absolute truth. Wake up before it's too late . Blaming Bush and Cheney and Fox News is not a solution. It's a diversion which is the only thing this administration is good at.
I gave up on one a long time ago. There will never be a 3rd party. With the past Republican majority and the current Democratic majority (super majority in Senate) its painfully obvious that government works better when the parties have to work together instead of allowing either to shove their agenda down our throats. There is too much influence from both the far right and far left to let either party have all three branches with a filibuster proof opposition. The best thing that can happen in 2010 is for the republicans to break the super majority in the Senate. The super majority is dangerous in the current political climate. Regarding the "whit if" question, there is little doubt that Bush would have been raked over the coals for some of the things Obama has done. There is also little doubt the media has given Obama the benefit of the doubt and an unusually long honeymoon period (at least as far as honeymoon periods go in presidential politics).
That is because there is no money in the middle. Our government runs on special interest groups (extremes). To be a real threat a candidate would need a lot of money or be backed by groups with a lot of money. I can't think of any deep pocket moderate lobbies. If there is any chance of a 3rd party it would need to be something like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett teaming up. They have the cash and connections to overcome the insider system. They are both clearly geniuses with business and economics which would pull in the corporate vote and the fiscally conservative vote. Then they also are huge humanitarians which could get a lot of the environmental and social issue vote. I doubt that could even do it though
America’s Duopoly The Republican and Democratic parties are America’s virtually identical institutionalized factions, each seeking control of the nation's financial turf - turf that will be tilled, sown, and its crops harvested by America’s workers. Unless a significant number of Americans demand that the law of the land be ruthlessly enforced, the Political Pendulum will continue descending as it swings, eventually severing all liberty from their lives. “Political systems do not like to resort to any more coercive practices than are necessary to sustain their power over people. Threats and the exercise of force are the resources upon which the state depends, and – like the wealth that private persons spend in conducting their peaceful, marketplace transactions – political authorities are not inclined to waste their usage. But when state power is no longer respected; when men and women engage in basic social practices outside the supervision of the state; and when all of politics comes to be seen as nothing more than an elaborate self-serving racket benefiting those who control the machinery of the state, the herd must be shepherded back to its appointed confinements.” (Emphasis mine.) Shaffer, Butler. Whither the Remnant? tgsam
i dunno that any third party would be an upgrade, unless it was a libertarian. a "moderate" would be pretty much exactly the same as the other two parties. both spend like lunatics and bow down to a mde up sky-man. i am pretty happy with the foreign policy of the neo-cons, so there is at least that. what we need now would be an atheist, rational, small government, pro-security/defense candidate. and given that most voters are morons, the chances of that happening are pretty small. i will be happy if we could just get an actual fiscal conservative republican. i know exactly what we dont need, and that is obama, who is calculating every issue to be exactly as wrong and as punishing to humankind as possible.