So what happens if USC and LSU are tied in the final BCS rankings? It may be improbable, but it is certainly possible. Here's how: Suppose LSU and USC are ranked 2 and 3 respectively in all computer polls and vice versa in human polls. Then their human poll + computer poll numbers are equal. Now suppose LSU's SOS ranking is exactly 5 spots behind USC. This puts LSU 0.04x5 = 0.2 points behind USC in SOS. Further suppose LSU defeats GA in the SECCG and this drops GA to 9th in the BCS giving LSU 0.2 points in the Quality Win column. So SOS+QW will be equal for USC and LSU (USC gets 0 QW points). Both teams would then have identical BCS scores. What's the tie-breaker? --- Note: if FSU and Miami both lose, the highest ranked 3 loss team will probably be ranked 9th in the BCS (there will be 8 major conference teams with 0-2 losses). This team will probably be Florida, but it could be GA.
I just started another thread because Rick Tellshow's page is now predicting a tie between LSU and USC for number 2. Does anyone know the tiebreaker or if one even exists?
I wouldn't be surprised if they havent even thought about it. But I would say put in the computer that is thrown out. If that is a wash, hell if I know.
Oh cool...I hadn't seen your thread. I looked at Tellshow's page and he has this update: ------------------- This is from 2002 but I think it is still valid. "In the event of a tie for the second spot in the final standings, the tie would be broken by (in order) head-to-head results; a win against the highest ranked team in the final BCS top 25 standings or by using the strength of schedule component as contained in the BCS formula." So LSU would win the tie based on the victory over Georgia. ------------- Not sure where he got that info.
Ok, I found this article using Google (it contains Tellshows quote I used in the post above): - Tweaks Formula.htm I'm not sure that Tellshow interprets it correctly though. I think it means "win against the number one team" not "the highest rank team which was defeated" as Tellshow seems to think. If it comes down to SOS rank, then LSU wins in his scenario and USC wins in mine. Of course, I see no reason why SOS could not also be tied .... ---- PS. Sorry for the multiple replies to my own post!
It's settled with a game of Mumblety-Peg by the head coaches. Main Entry: mum·ble·ty-peg Pronunciation: 'm&m-b&l-(tE-)"peg, -blE-"peg Variant(s): also mum·ble-the-peg /-b&l-([th]&-)"peg, -blE-"peg/; or mumble peg /-b&l-"peg, -blE-/ Function: noun Etymology: from the phrase mumble the peg; from the loser's originally having to pull out with his teeth a peg driven into the ground Date: 1627 : a game in which the players try to flip a knife from various positions so that the blade will stick into the ground BCS Mumblety-Peg Rules: Saban & Carrol stand at 2 paces apart buck naked ... genitalia exposed against a 3 foot high (waist high) backdrop of plywood. The Rules 1. They throw their BCS point total in knives (whatever it is ... example, tie @ 7.84 points = 8 knife throws) wherever they want. One man throws 1 knife, next man throws 1 knife ... repeat process until full count of throws is completed. 2. The men are strapped and outlined into the plywood with a permanent BLACK marker, feet shoulder apart. 3. The first man to obtain an erection loses for his team. No whistling or talking is allowed. 4. The man who sticks a knife in his opponents genitalia loses for his team. 5. The man who sticks a knife anywhere else above the plywood ... in a man's chest, etc ... loses for his team. 6. The man who sticks a knife anywhere more than once into his opponent ... loses for his team. One "stick" is allowed. 6a) If Both men stick an opponent twice, the free blood flow is collected by dropper and beaker and the person who bled the most wins for his team. Note: Both must be certified free of use of any Blood Coagulant agents prior to the contest and visually examined after having all hair removed from below the waist. No waxing allowed. 6. The spacing between flesh and the knife shall be measured in Microns with an ISO certified and currently calibrated Laser Measuring sensor. One throw (the worst ... or a stick) is eliminated from the total. 7. In the event of another tie, both men are given another set of knives and must repeat the entire process ... this time the area below the knees is eliminated from play. The process is repeated until there is one clear winner.
They said on the radio that in case of a tie the tie breaker is who beat the highest ranked team which would probably be us; assuming Georgia does not fall behind Washington State