lolololololololololol yeah wheres it at i was waiting to here from king sabanfan himself sabnfan i have an extra ticket to ole miss and will have plenty travelers so all the booze you want during the game with a free ticket may be your wife can drop u off whats up king sf
I'll pass. I'd prefer to watch the game with my friends in the comfort of wherever we are. The location rotates and whoever hosts is responsible for the food. It's my turn tomorrow and because it's a JP game I have to miss my Saturday tee time. I can think of no greater sacrifice. I am represented at the games by my 2 sons who never miss one. Say hello if you see them.
Hmmm, about that building in the background. Were your boys there to help you take the wheels off your new house? :grin:
:rofl: :rofl: That was there when I bought the place. My wife wants me to burn it to the ground. Someday I'll get around to it.
What part of I don't go to the games don't you understand. Thanks for the picture of you in 10 years.