I was wondering if any of you felt like Tubby has pushed to get the game played so if he loses he has an excuse. He can say that it was such a tough week on the kids the University and the state of Alabama and that he is still proud how his team handled everything when all is considered. Just a thought
Just so yall know. If L S U does win it will be because of the adversity that has struck the state of Alabama not because we are the better team.
His excuse in November would be his tough three-game stretch. I don't worry about the excuses, because when people make them, they're desperate.
Yeah you are right... LSU could never beat the mighty War Eagles. We have to use an act of god to help us beat Auburn. You are so full of crap. Both teams have gone through alot before this game. Whoever loses there will be excuses for either side. Auburn officials handled this poorly and the game should obviously be cancelled. Travelling to the game will be a nightmare and there are things in life more important than football.... live family friends etc. I am packed and ready to leave after they make the decision after 8am and love LSU as much as the next guy, but I still think for the players coaches and fans this one should be postponed. This would mean Id miss watching the game cause my sister's wedding is the day of the reschedule date.
IAM4LSU I was being sarcastic when I made the above commit. That is what the media will say when we win the game. Media being ESPN
The media will spin it and say the team members from Alabama were worried about their family the whole game. I know the team had to stay in a hotel in Montgomery Wednesday night. I am sure a lot of them were focused on the TV since in Alabama when a Thunderstorm shows up all their TV stations go to 24 hour weather service. Granted this was a different circumstance. LSUDAN
I think both teams want to play this game. Attendence may be light, but the fans want to see it too. If folks have traveling issues, they won't come, of course. But if Auburn can handle the security and physical arrangements for the game, it will and should go on.
Not a doubt in my mind. By the way, looks like what's left of Ivan will settle over Georgia by Sunday. I'm sure that, when LSU beats the Dawgs in two weeks, it'll be because of the "trauma" the UGA players suffered being rained on by Ivan two weeks prior to the game...