Was very impressive. A good mix of misdirection, run, and short and down feild passing. Didn't know what was coming next. On the CST rebroadcast last night, Hawthorne said that one of the V tech players even told Doucet on the field that they didn't know what was coming next and who was there offensive coordinator . Did Crowton run the wangtango up in Oregan or is this something new?
I like a little perriloux at times that seems to work well. Also really like Ted Nugents version of Wango Tango as well.
It's a bit new... to us anyway. IMHO had fisher been running the offense this year it would have been a much closer game and Va. Tech would have been able to catch on to his strategy. Crowton was 2 steps ahead of them the whole time, and the play calling was just awesome. I'd say he opened it up a good bit, but I bet there's more to be seen.. stay tuned for the Fla. game in a few weeks...
I'm not sure what he ran in Oregon but I'd be willing to bet, in fact I know, he didn't have the weapons at his disposal as he does here. When we first hired him, after reading his resume, I was confused, and a little concerned, from a lot of the comments I was reading about him from Pac10 fans. I guess their comments were tainted by the fact that he was coming to an SEC school cause I'm loving what he's doing. First of all, it takes special players with a "Team" approach towards things when it comes to playing time. Kind of ironic that, in spite of what most would think, every skill player is STILL getting an equal share of the spotlight and, even with limited time on the field, they are all shining......this will just make them buy into it even more. Seeing they are all being recognized for their talent will only reinforce the "Team" concept and the winning, alone, takes care of a lot of that with the team and especially the fans.
I enjoy how the offense is coming together. I read that Crowton calls the play and Porter(RB coach right?) decides which RBs are put into the formation. The RBs are always on their toes not knowing which one is going in. Amazing how much confusion this causes for opposing defenses and how it is still a smooth process.
it seems much of the media is focusing not only on the defense, but also on our "tailback by committee" as they put it. i personally think this offense is something to be feared if you're on the other side trying to defend. fresh backs, versatile QBs, a handful of WRs, and a solid line - what more could you ask for late in a game? those fresh backs are going to wear down defense after defense after defense. brilliant!
I heard a reference of a Wantango or WangTango just this weekend. Would someone please give me some background on this term (since I'm such a n00b, ya know).
The 'Wantango' Offense The new 'Wantango' offense that LSU unleashed against VT was awesome. I even like the name 'Wantango', and believe it will long be remembered and revered in college football lore. Anybody know what they call the defense? :crystal: