I left the room after Saban was interviewed during the Fiesta Bowl halftime but I understand from another thread that when Stoops got to speak he pretty much told the media what they needed to hear. Anyone able to fill me in on exactly what he said?? By the way, he is impressive--the only coach this year I've liked in terms of manner and style. I don't like Richt (pious smart-ass), Carroll (for obvious reasons--and he pretends to be such an earnest nice guy, so kind and good and sincere, when he's really a manipulative *ssh*le), or, of course, Tubby. But I digress! WHAT DID STOOPS SAY TO SHUT UP BOWDEN ET AL?
Cannot remember verbatim, but his main point was that he was tired of hearing that OU did not belong, that they were the only team who finished the regular season undefeated and that the system was in place at the beginning of the season and now we have to deal with it. He asked if it was such a bad thing that we would have a split title. He said it with such force and authority that 1) My eyes lit up and I had to laugh 2) Saunders and Terry literally stuttered trying to get the next question out and you could tell they were caught off guard with his kick ass answer. I was upset he let up after that, as Saunders regrouped to say that USC was happy with being AP number 1 and that we are only playing for 1/2 of the title.
Thanks! Thanks for telling me. Funny, but on another board the LSU fans thought he was boasting and was sort of trying to one-up Saban, who wasn't as forceful. I don't think Saban could have come off as forcefully as Stoops, though, since we're new to this national scene. Stoops has been the coach of the consensus #1 team all season (and he's won a NC in the past three years) so he has some authority when he speaks. I don't see his attitude being anywhere near as "suspicious", and underhandedly competitive as the other coaches I mentioned above (Richt, Carroll, and Tubby).
He was simply sticking up for his program and his players, it had nothing to do with one-upmanship. I wish Nick would have been more boastful, but I think that comes after the game. Yes- Sabans suit did look good. You have got to admit, dressing has not exactly been Nick's strongsuit. I could not care less, but we have no room clowning stoops for his shirt.
Saunders was pissed because Stoops says we can't just keep playing games to satisfy the media and if 2 teams split is that so bad?
Yeah, it actually is bad. Defeats the purpose of the term "number 1" and what the BCS and NCAA have strived to provide the fans with. That was the only statement I did not agree with that Stoops made.
One-upping Saban or not, what Stoops said sticks up for both teams in the Sugar Bowl, and I'm glad he said it.
I saw the interview I dont think he was trying to one up NICK, to me he is mad at the media for trying to cause an up roar. USC is the one trying to cause problems...left out for a reason...