Last night, 20 minutes before the debate in Baton Rouge on WBRZ, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco airs a commercial in which some "staunch Republican" gets on camera-sitting in a very noticeable wheelchair-and talks about how Jindal's cuts hurt a lot of people in health care. I guess she felt the sting of that Ray Nagin and SOUL and BOLD supporting Jindal, and needed to come out slinging mud so that she could try to do something. (By the way, JD, check the coffers, I GUARANTEE you the Republicans did not PAY to garner their support, as Democrats have done in each and every previous election, including the general election portion of our current election cycle! It was widely reported that those organizations VOTED to support him, instead of getting paid off by the highest bidder for their support!) HELLO! The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MANDATED THE ONE BILLION DOLLAR CUT TO THE DEPARTMENT! NOT BOBBY JINDAL! I told you guys that you could expect a major negative push from Blanco, and we're about to start seeing it. Literally 5 days before the election, and slickly placed minutes before a statewide debate, Blanco goes on with a negative ad after welching on a promise not to do so, or even having the common decency to stay above the fray of third party negativity and stay positive herself. Blanco is now appearing like the tarbaby fable, in which slowly but surely, the more you try to free yourself from the tar, the more and more you are trapped by it. Never fear, though. Anyone who actually watched the debate watched her sweat to keep from pissing off big contributors and others who will await the spoils that will come with her election... When the candidates were asked for the names of three people they listen to when it comes to their campaigns, Jindal quickly ran a list off of four or five people...Including former Louisiana residents with Ivy League Educations eager to move back to the state and work for a better Louisiana. The kind of people who have been driven from the state as a result of its draconian shackles it places on businesses and lack of infrastructure investment. Blanco stammers, saying out loud she doesn't want to, "offend anyone that's important." She then hits an easy pop fly to center by saying that when it comes to business, she listens to Shaw's CEO, and when it comes to education, she listens to -GET THIS!-a PROVEN EDUCATOR LIKE CECIL PICARD! While Kathy's busy making sure she doesn't step on toes, Jindal talks about moving forward with the state, making it more business friendly, revamping secondary education and aligning it with our existing industry, and freeing us from the specter of any new taxes... Do we need someone who's going to pussyfoot around and can't even spit out a coherent, non stammering response to direct questions in a closed studio in front of cameras? Or do we want someone who's not afraid to offer a solution to a problem-right or wrong-and then work from there to find a way to make it work? No more studies, no more blue ribbon commissions, no more promises about laying out a plan AFTER you're elected. Let's talk about it here and now... If you agree with that last paragraph, then vote for BOBBY JINDAL on Saturday!
Like a good right-wing hack, you make allegations Except you've never proven that a democrat has bought said endorsements. Jindal has been negative since this all began. I think it's proven beyond a doubt that Jindal, as I said early, is a shill for the pat robertson crowd, pandering to the extremists at every opportunity. He's a weakling.
How is it proven, JD...Where did they contribute? Can you give us a link of a .jpg image of the actual check... The one with the 700 Club insignia from "Patty R." To Bobby? Once again...You toss out the accusations as freely as the candidate you want to vote for because she'll "do no harm"... The copout Democratic vote...I'm sure Blanco will thank you for your quite literal vote of no confidence...