1 of 84. only 35% (44) of all 128 teams do not make a bowl. if we play michigan, it will be 3-3 tie and someone wins in 10 OTs but everyone leaves including media by that time and the outcome is never known. les will just say we were undefeated in regulation.
Michigan would kill us. Honestly, I really hope some how, some way, we play Florida State. That would be a huge juicy storyline.
I heard just last week, I remember the days when we were happy to be in the independence bowl. Now we are so spoiled. Independence Bowl Saturday, December 26, 5:35 pm ET, ESPN Independence Stadium, Shreveport, LA ACC or Notre Dame vs. SEC Projection:Duke vs. LSU good god almighty. and its vs allevas favorite place
i almost want to go all notre dame and turn it down, fuck the recruiting and extra practice as it wont win us one more game next year. Losing to Duke and allevas lacrosse team again would be fitting however. soon? the future is now, ese.
We haven't gotten to the point where we are starving for the independence bowl yet, that's what I meant by that will be upon us soon enough. But, you're right about the Duke thing. That would be funny. Duke or Florida State would be good to me. But we won't turn down a bowl game, did you hear Les talk about the bowl game like it was some great accomplishment to be in one?