Saban stays at LSU? Rumors are/were abound that certain assistants would be joining him in Miami, but what about the assistants that are/were not. Are they as good as gone after the year?
These guys are coaches and realize how the business works. All of them are in a great situation if Saban stays and I'm sure will be happy if he does. I don't see anything negative happening just because some of them know they wouldn't be going to Miami.
If he does go I hope he takes that Fisher guy with him! I like Mushcamp, but I firmly beleive that Saban was the the brain and Will the braun. After Dooley did what he did, I hope he goes as well. I just hope that Skip does a better job of replacing Nick (if he leaves, fingers crossed) than he did himself. We need an aggresive head coach, a Saban clone, if you will. I hope that he does not leave for one more year, but if he does, I wish him and his family the best of luck and Gods' speed(he'll need it in Miami)!