This chump has a snowball's chance in hell of turning pro ... ever. They don't call him :shock: Stoops :shock: fer nuthin. Those Heisman voters are gonna feel like real chumps on Jan 5.
OU could have had the same record with Brent Rawls at QB. PERIOD. Undefeated until the KSU game ... having not played any great Defenses (or even Top 25 Dees) ... No boutadoubtit Could Rawls have averted the disaster in KC? Being a more mobile QB ... KSU probably wouldn't have had a similar game plan. Its just speculation anyway. White won a Heisman when voters thought he was a Senior and had no one else to vote for... and "STOOPSIE" & OU ran a great PR campaign ... kudos to them. ~N~E~V~E~R~M~I~N~D~ he wasn't even in the TOP 10 LIST (NFL DRAFT PROJECTIONS @ QB POSITION) and he can't hold Roethlisberger's or Manning's jock strap when it comes to talent. No ....... we get Violins and Hype and knee injuries ... SMOKE N' MIRRORS ... it's all over on Jan 4th.