Looks like they'll get started next week. It would be nice if someone in BR could take come pictures during construction and post them periodically. http://www.lsusports.net/headline2.html?ref=20D740AD-A4E7-72A6-3855335263E72BCE
BayouBengal The question is whether they will actually OWN the upper deck. I read somewhere that TAF OWNS whe east upper and not the university. I was wondering if it would be the same on the west side. The new press box is badly needed, I'm tired of hearing the press complain and maybe a little AC will help them speak better of LSU.
My understanding is that, yes - TAF will own the West Upper and lease facilities to LSU (like the Press Box, i guess). TAF does own the East Upper outright (well, it's financed - but you know what I'm saying). Since LSU is a public institution, money most come from tax payers to refurbish or renovate Tiger Stadium (since the state owns it). However, with TAF, you circumvent alot of the politics that would prevent the STATE from renovating Tiger Stadium (especially when we're fiscally challenged - as we currently are). I wasn't sure if you all are taking a "knock" at TAF - but they ARE a necessary "evil" - if you will - in today's world of college sports. Look at it this way - remember how Huey Long got the funds to build Tiger Stadium??? He made it a DORM - first - and a football stadium second. You GOT TO LOVE Louisiana politics!!!
I'm no fan of TAF but I wasn't taking a "knock" at them just asking a question. I'm also not sure if they are evil but am convinced they are not necessary. There is more than one way to skin a cat but this is the one the LSU administration chose so we will have to work with what we have.:geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
i read somewhere that ownership of either upper deck reverts back to the university in the very distant future, like 2040 or something.
I believe the upper decks will remain under TAF's ownership until they are paid off. From then on, I think TAF gets the revenue from the suite sales, but won't own the actual building space.