'Well if Saddam Hussein adheres to the UN, that would be considered a regime change'

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tom, Oct 22, 2002.

  1. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!! That NONSENSE statement by the Hitler wannabe Sapling is worth 3 of them. Here is what REALLY happened to Sapling to make him 'adjust' his goals. The bottom line is that Sapling was boasting that if the UN did not force Hussein to disarm "weapons of mass destruction", he would lead a coalition to do just that. OOOOOOPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSS, Sapling looked behind him and NO ONE (other than PERHAPS Great Britain and certainly Israel) was behind him. Even Great Britain was MORE in favor of giving sanctions a go than Sapling originally was. Geez, I'm starting to feel sorry for the HAPLESS Sapling. You just can't GOOSESTEP across the globe anymore like Hitler did back in the 40's without somebody calling you to task as a warmonger. Plus, the revelation about North Korea's nuclear program and Sapling's ridiculous comments about 'and he tried to kill my daddy' proves it was NEVER about an issue, but strictly PERSONAL. Sapling TRIED AND FAILED MISERABLY to connect Iraq and Hussein with al Qaeda. Everytime they dug deeper into al Qaeda;s connections with the Middle East, they did indeed find STRONG connections. One little problem however, the country they found was NOT Iraq, but instead the country with terrorist connections is Saudi Arabia. And the oil industry would not stand for attacking their supplier of petroleum would they?

    Once again, Sapling proves he is not up to the job and is a 15 watt bulb trying to a 100 watt job.
  2. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    I thought GOP red herring month started in November

    I have heard nothing about it, which is the airtime that it deserves. It is truly sad that a country that used to pride itself on integrity, consistent principles, and consensus of action by many countries now is engaged in attempts to totally fabricate evidence against a country, threaten to try to take out administrations of sovereign nations who have done nothing wrong in over a decade, etc. The funniest evidence so far were the "statements" by the POWS (oh, excuse me "detainees") where some supposedly confirmed Iraq's tie to al Qaeda. Now remember these are people who normally wouldn't be given credibility if they announced the time of day, and also suspiciously missing were the release of I'm sure counterstatements by others who said there was NO CONNECTION. I realize the American people are rather gullible or Sapling wouldn't have been believed on his "fuzzy math" budget numbers, but this enters into insanity. There has been NO PROOF WHATSOEVER of involvement of Iraq and al Qaeda. In fact, most of the "evidence" has been totally discredited. Last night on NBC Nightly News, they said that Adda's(one of the hijackers) supposed meeting with Iraq officials could not have taken place. Why? Because he was known to have been in Virginia Beach, VA at the exact same time. Hmmm, maybe Iraq has already invaded the US, huh? :)

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