I'm sorry, much like most LSU fans feel about Florida, the Yankees are a team in desperate need of some humbling. This World Series does suck, just as most of the ones before it. It seems every year, every round, the teams I want to win lose and end up with worse case senerio World Series. I think the one World Series I would have wanted to see less than this one this year would have been the Giants vs. the Yankees. At least now we have a David vs. Goliath thing going. Go Marlins. Knock the Yankees back down to earth.
I won't be watching game one. I will, however, flip over several times for score updates - after each LSU touchdown! I loved Steinbrenner on Seinfeld!
I have been a Yankees fan my whole life, ever since the Reggie Jackson days. I loved the teams of the mid-late 90's with Paul O'neill, Tino Martinez, and Scott Brosius. These guys weren't the greatest talent-wise, but they played the game the way it was meant to be played. Now that they are gone, it seems like the heart and soul of the team has gone. Now they look like just another pro sports team that goes through the motions and wins because they have the most talent. I found myself pulling for the Red Sox because guys like Todd Walker bring the same sort of fire to the team that the Yankees used to have, even though they came up short. I think it would be funny if the Marlins won, simply because Pudge left the Rangers and went to the Marlins, a team that was almost done away with by the "Wise One", Bud Selig. Pudge proves just how valuable he is by carrying the Marlins offensively, while A-Rod and his $250 million sit at home in last place. Anybody see where Zimmer said last night that he was quitting after the season? Seems George took away his company car and called the coaches a bunch of asshole earlier in the year and Zimmer is pissed. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/playoffs2003/news/story?id=1640041
Commmmme to the liiiiiiiiiight...Commmmmmme to the liiiiiiiight. It's funny but I know exactly how you feel. I've been a Yankee fan since Dizzy Dean and Peewee Reese were broadcasting the games on TV. I have never pulled for another major league team. When I was a kid we used to argue constantly over who was better between Mickey Mantle and Rocky Colavito. I knew there were Yankee haters out there but I couldn't understand why they didn't like my beloved Yankees. But (back to the point) I absolutely can't stand Notre Dame, Miami, etc for the exact same reasons. Go figure.
Yeah, I'm that way in most sports (Yankees in baseball, Notre Dame, Miami, in college football, Cowboys and 49ers in the late 80's/early 90's in the NFL). But I know how it is to be a fan of a hated team, because I'm a Braves fan in baseball. Not the same level of hatred as the Yankees, but I've heard of a few Braves haters. And, of course, we have LSU in college baseball
Yup totally disinterested.. Yankees - Old news they are always in the Series 6th in 8 years. Nothing new here. Marlins - Except for the Pudge connection living here in Dallas this is equivelent to the Carolina Panthers or Arizona Cardinals in the Super Bowl. - Just dont belong. Was very much into the LCS's though. I watched every pitch. Todd Walker helped that.
Whould have LOVED to see that Todd Walker bloop in the 9th fall over Soriano's head!! Doesn't surprise me in the least that Todd Walker has done as well as he has in the post season though. I think is experience here at LSU helped with dealing with pressure situations.
DarkHornet, You are the yin to my yang. With the exception of LSU, you just named nearly every team that I live to hate. You know how on sportsline you can pick all the teams you hate and they get a thumbs-down on the scoreboard, the only other ones you missed were FSU and So. Cal. As Dabbs says, Halloween is upon us.
Well, I'll agree on all of DarkHornet's choices except I hate the Braves too. Liked them growing up when they were horrible with D. Murphy, Hubbard, Virgil, Horner but only really liked Maddux on the recent teams (and they keep punking my Astros in the playoffs). Glavine's "outside corner" and the chomp frustrated me more every year. Notre Dame football outweighs them all for me. Just so over-hyped I guess. Fan allegiance just comes down to circumstance and family influence a lot. The Lakers definitely have their haters but they were my favorite team because of the purple and gold. Magic & his crew helped. As long as someone likes at least one of the 3 major sports, I can communicate a whole lot better with them. Usually, one of your friends will dislike one of your teams and you'll hate how he can lower himself to doing the chomp. As long as he likes THE LSU FIGHTIN TIGERS, it makes everything else just petty.