My concern with Randall is not is athletism, desire, quickness, etc. It is with dealing with extreme pressure. Mauck gets a B in my opionion here. So far, Randall has been a C. I believe the QB that is the most successful in '04 will be the one that can make the reads, & deal with the blitzes.
If you are judging our QBs on the spring game alone, you have to admit that none of our 3 QBs looked very good! I am quite certain Saban will play the QB who gives us the best chance to win...
Luzzane Quarterback Has Field Marshal Saben recruited a 1st string playing/starting QB from Louisiana yet? i.e. John Booty, Brent Rawls, Brock Berlin (maybe he was before Coach Saben) Robert Lane? I'll try and pick a decade, say the 70s or 80s - a typical LSU quarterback (not a famous or NFL one, yes they exist); but, your normal LSU Bowl winner who knows what he is doing and can throw that ball downfield!!-completed!! Know who I am talking about, I am talking about Nelson Stokely or Jeff Wickershan or David Woodley or Alan Reischer or Steve Enseminger. My point is you either have it or you don't. Maybe M. Randall would make a great tight end, big, fast, can block or even better how about a fullback who could act as a wishbone type runner or passer who could really terrorize you the way Bear Bryant use to lull LSU into a sleep and then throw a long completed pass or TD out of the wishbone. Maybe I am barking at the moon, too much sun yesterday, I am now a lobsterback - what do I know, I am from Massachusetts!!