We are well and truly screwed

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    What cluster the republicans have become! Trump is either totally crazy, incompetent, isn't serious or all 3. He is so unprepared and without a clue to what he is doing that it is hard to see if he has a chance. His comments to the NY Time that he may not defend our NATO allies if attacked by Russia unless they pony up $ are more than dangerous. It practically invites Putin to invade the Baltics. He offers no serious plans to 'Make America Great' and gives little or no hope he will be able to run the country anywhere but further into the ground. The greater Republican Party is run by total incompetents who have accomplished nothing but convincing most they are not only stupid but S fractured they can't agree on what time the sun rises.
    Everyone knows that think what a disaster HRC would be if elected. She is proven incompetent and corrupt. Don't get me started on the leftward rush (not drift) the Democrat party is on.
    Basically the choice between the two parties is how do we get run into the ground. Neither going to bring anything but disaster to the US.
    Frankly this is the first time I've ever been pessimistic about the future. I've always believed that in crisis the people and their leaders would find a way. It seems today everyone only wants theirs and screw the rest. This can't stand! As Ben Franklin said "Either we all hang together or we'll hang separately".
    We need a new voice in the arena. I'm seriously considering the Libertarian party. This is a Hobsen's choice as a vote for them is a vote for HRC in effect. However if Trump crashes in the polls as I expect it may not matter. I may vote for them anyway. This because if the Rs are destroying themselves there needs to be an effective alternative to the F'ing Ds. The Libertarians offer many attractive philosophies on the limits on government and emphasis on personal freedom. I do have concerns with their trade and foreign policy.
    Summing this up, it may be time to break with failure and forge a new better path.
  2. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    You are right. This is serious shit.

    I wish there was one chance in a billion the two Liberterian guys could pull it off, but I agree with your analysis of the impact of a vote. I have decided I am not gonna vote, but something bad enough on one side, could make me change my mind...though I doubt it. As my deceased father used to say, "That's a helluva note."

    And, following election, regardless of who wins, the left and right will be at each others throats.
    Bengal B likes this.
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Lack of support for NATO, along with hate of free trade, are the worst trump policies. My hope is that he just doesn't know anything about NATO and will be corrected by his advisors.

    Like when Obama said he would close Guantanamo, but it never was realistic.
  4. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    I see you liked my post @Tiger in NC Is that because I hammered Trump & the Rs or do you agree that neither candidate or party is worth a shyte and should be burned to the ground? Are you going to hold to your stated principle and vote for Jill Stein whose positions most closely follow Bernie's. Don't try to say you think HRC will be a great president because you've already said you didn't like her and would have voted against her had the Rs put up a serious candidate.
    You talk a good game NC but can you man up or are you just a blind party follower who is unconcerned about the consequences as long as you're on the winning side?
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    You ask me for a straight answer so I'll give you one: I come to FSA to argue with you guys. I like the fact that I am grossly outnumbered. I don't always exactly believe every position I stake but some times I know that agreement will not make for a good argument. I was raised in Denham Springs, LA, the son of a baptist preacher who, as you can imagine, was extremely conservative and still is. Many of my oldest friends are conservatives. So, unlike many of my liberal friends, I actually know conservatives and have long standing friendships with many. Because of this I understand more acutely what conservatives are about than just about every liberal friend that I have. On the flip side, the very same can be said of my conservative friends and their opinion about what a liberal is and how they live day to day. Our media outlets have exacerbated this by creating caricatures of conservatives and liberals that get reinforced every day in the name of journalism but are actually just op-ed after op-ed. Social media has made this effect even worse because now any Tom, Dick or Harry with enough time and half a brain can create a meme that says just about anything....some being very offensive. In reality, our lives are hardly different. The media emphasizes the extremes but the vast majority of us live our lives very near the center.
    Don't get me wrong, Winston, I am mostly a liberal and I don't shy away from that. I used to consider myself a moderate but because the Republican party has lurched so hard to the right I do not feel they are a viable option for me right now. That said, I have many conservative views on the economy. As a business owner, I have no other choice. But I also understand the need for social programs and government intervention when necessary to prevent economic collapse and to build necessary and needed infrastructure too. Anyone who can be honest knows that there are some things that the government has to lead the way in like space exploration, but everyone else also reaps the benefit of that investment for decades to come.
    Now to this election. As I have said before I am, in fact, not a fan of HRC. That said, Donald Trump is toxic and dangerous and a loose canon that cannot be trusted with that office. A vote for anyone other than HRC is a vote for Donald Trump imo. It doesn't mean I like her, it means that I understand the consequences of elections and we cannot gamble on Trump. I know you don't like him either and I can't help but think that we do not like him for similar reasons. When Obama ran against Romney in 2012 and McCain in 2008 I never worried that my guy might not win. I was comfortable that Romney and McCain could handle the job, whether I agreed with them or not. I cannot say that about Trump.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    The real escape goat here is Kasich. He was basically offered the presidency and turned it down. Our last chance to keep the country out of the wretched cunts hands AND to send them both into the sea of irrelevance and he lets pride get in the way.
  8. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    I voted for him
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Could have done it again if he would have accepted the VP position.
    KyleK likes this.
  10. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    That was true for years but not the government seems to have all but abandoned the space program and is leaving it up to private enterprise to carry on. Elon Musk and the other innovators will probably do it much more efficiently and with a whole lot less waste.

    By the same token a vote for anybody else but Trump is a vote for HRC.

    Yes, Trump is a gamble. It's a 100% certainty that HRC would be the worst president ever. We are forced to gamble on Trump because any other outcome is a sure loser.
    shane0911 likes this.

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