Missing those leaders. Lavalais, Mauck, Clayton. :nope: I guess we can look forward to next year. Florida's offense was impressive today. It could get worse before it gets better for this young team.
We have a much more difficult schedule this year. 9-2 will still be a respectable finish for this team. Yes we miss the juniors who left early, but this is still a good football team.
I think what we are missing is fundamentals, tackling, blocking and hanging on to the football. Last year Saban said we didn't have any big leaders and that each player took responsibility to get himself ready to play. This season it looks like everyone is looking for someone else to get the job done and no one is playing fundamentally sound football. This team needs to go back to the very basics and start from scratch on how to play the game of football.
I dont believe it is as much about the schedule as it is about leadership. Right now we have none and it is killing us
Last year, we were hungry. This year, we look fat and happy. Hopefully, we'll be starving again sometime very soon.