i was doing a little research about how many people die from traffic accidents because of the Colt David thread. I found thorough stats on how people in the US die. see link here FASTSTATS - Leading Causes of Death i was surprised by many things--- there are 33,000 deaths by suicide! nearly twice the # of homocides (18k). 20,000 people die by falls! seriously, wtf?!! 5000 pedestrians killed by motor vehicles! 27,000 poisonings! (6000 are suicides) 14,000 suffocations! (7500 are suicides. for a split second i had a weird monty python image of people choking themselves, before i realized this must be CO or hangings).
what i found. Tobacco 435,000 Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000 Alcohol 85,000 Microbial Agents 75,000 Toxic Agents 55,000 Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347 Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000 Suicide 30,622 Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000 Homicide 20,308 Sexual Behaviors 20,000 All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000 Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600 Marijuana 0 Annual Causes of Death in the United States | Drug War Facts sorry gumbo i had to do it.
Thefts lead WA Walgreens to put Oxycontin in safes - Yahoo! News Source: DJ AM had nine OxyContin pills in his body - CNN.com
Got a stat for the number of people in jail for possessing/selling marijuana because it's illegal and they are stupid? DJ AM was an idiot.
old people die from falls all the time. a couple relatives of mine have died after getting so old that they could not walk well and they fell and bashed their brains in. of course they were so old that they were about to die of like 4 different cancers within the next month anyways. pedestrians get lit up in new york all the time. on queens boulevard somebody gets blasted like every day. the news calls it the avenue of death. i have come damn close to destroying an old ladyt or two myself on my bicycle. i wonder if the poisoning number counts allegic reactions. i know lots of people (inevitably women) that are virtually always about to be killed by pine nuts or whatever.
So people with cancer who cannot get any pain relief and don't want to get addicted and die from oxycontin and other pain pills are stupid? People who cannot eat because of the adverse effects of chemotherapy who need weed to eat, are stupid? Speaking of idiots.
Check it out in real time. 27m abortions for the year? That sounds a little high, although I actually have no idea. Only 123k killed in war. That one sounds low. Again, I have know idea. World Clock