Congrats on your whipping bama in tuskalooser. I enjoyed every minute of it. It made life a lot easier after we got whipped by the puppydogs.
Proud, just curious do you share the same issues with Tuberville that chuck now does (He has officially declared Tubby non-Auburn material) I am sure if he loses the Iron Bowl, you guys will pay for the U-Haul and pay the Realtor fee. But assuming he wins, what do you think happens.... Not bashing or gloating, just curious what your thoughts are.
A few notes/comments in response: I'm disappointed in TT but I'm one of those who says the season is still on, nothing is going to change until it's over and the AD does the evaluation so I will support the coach/team until the season is over. If you replace the current HC, you need to make sure you can get someone better. Recent history shows that when schools fire their coach the successor often does worse. There are exceptions but look at LSU history until you got Saban. A lot of people want to bring back Petrino from Louisville but he is in his first year as a HC, has a 3-3 record in Conf. USA, nad got whipped 38-7 last week by underdog Memphis. This doesn't thrill me too much. A lot of Auburn people, like Chuck, are just really frustrated because we were rated so high preseason and it has been a bust. Funny how nobody says the sportswriters were screwed up. I'm just not one of those to bash the coaches or other people (most of the time) on message boards. Rumors are flying as you would expect. Fans are the same everywhere. Some think TT will stay and bring in some new coaches (again?). Some think he will be fired if he loses to bama. And now there is the rumor he will announce Sunday he is resigning due to health (he had two neck surgeries last Summer so this may be legit). So take your pick. Good luck against Ole Piss this week.
Thanks proud. Probably the best response I have seen from an Auburn fan this week... (There sure is some bitterness flying around) I hate to admit it but I sort of feel sorry for the Tubs. He did not drop that pass in the endzone. Good luck against your rival Tide.... It sure is nice being able to watch the Iron Bowl without its outcome directly effecting LSU....
Some think he will be fired if he loses to bama. And now there is the rumor he will announce Sunday he is resigning due to health (he had two neck surgeries last Summer so this may be legit). So take your pick. We here at LSU do not wish to "pick" or spread rumors. We've heard on good authority that Mr. Tuberville is suffering from HPLP (Heitallica Pouch Lum Puccaroo) region syndrome. Symptoms include chronic neck pain and corrective surgery rarely helps in these cases. Often, the victims suffer for years before limited movement, paralysis, blindness, insanity and then death results. Coincidentally, one root cause analysis of HPLP has been traced to the accidental over-consumption of ethylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is one of the trace elements found in Cuban brand cigars. A WHO (World Health Organization) report detailing this item can be found on the internet. We'll miss TT and the azz-whippin we handed yall was just good ole fashioned SEC FB payback. Yall come back now!
This interview made the paper here in Nashville.
Oh my Too far Ramah, too far. I dont care how much you hate the man honestly, but dont take cheap shots at the mans health, and speak death over him. Even if you are just being an ass for fun, that just crosses the line in my book. The cigar thing was four f'ing years ago, let it go, PLEASE! And I think your signature is jumping the gun a bit dont you think. You guys still have 2 regular season games left, so how can you already proclaim yourselves SEC CHAMPS?? Have you forgotten that you havent even beaten the SEC WEST leaders yet?? Im all for positive thinking, and Im not saying you dont have the talent and ability to fulfill your prophecies. But to me thats just asking to jinx yourself. WAR DAMN EAGLE!! BEAT BAMA!!