Warren Morris on the Mind

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by BB, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. OmahaLSUFan

    OmahaLSUFan Freshman

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I was at the game! we always thought LSU fans were loud but when that ball came out right to were we were sitting in the old bleachers it was louder than anything we had ever heard granted I was 9.
  2. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    When did you become an LSU fan? Are you from Omaha?

    Welcome to the board, btw.
  3. OmahaLSUFan

    OmahaLSUFan Freshman

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I became an LSU fan late one night at a baseball game i forget who was playing we were sitting out in right center in Omaha (yes i live in omaha) but it was opening night and we had to choose a team to cheer for I was like four ive only missed 13 CWS games in my whole life :)
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Wow.....this has got to be the most anticipated time of year for you. So if you were 4 when you first picked LSU as your team, that would put you back at the 91 Series, our first title. Is that correct?

    You woulda never thunk you were pickin the most dominant team in any college sport over the past 30 years.
  5. Bengaleze

    Bengaleze Founding Member

    May 22, 2003
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    I was eating boiled crabs at my father-in-law's house in Morgan City. I'll never forget that day, I love boiled crabs and Tiger's winning titles. I think I threw crab legs all over the place.
  6. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I had just completed my freshman year at LSU in late spring of '96 and didn't do too well (1.8 GPA). I met with one of the guidance counselors and they suggested I take a study skills class (Palmer) and another relatively easy class to get my GPA up over the summer. I had a couple of excuses during my freshman year like adjusting to living on my own, breaking my right wrist, getting mono, etc. but figured it was time to put excuses aside and get on track.

    The day after I sign up for the summer classes my buddy tells me they're going to watch LSU in the CWS and have a free place to stay about an hour outside of Omaha. After much deliberation, I decided not to go. They came back with all kinds of stories and I kicked myself many times for not going.

    Shortly before the HR by Morris, I was just hoping for us to tie it and get to extra innings. With two outs, I would've taken a passed ball to score the guy from third. I was watching the game at my parent's house with my dad & girlfriend (now wife). My girlfriend had a purple & gold pendant on her necklace and I rubbed it for good luck. First time I'd ever done that. Less than 10 seconds after that Morris hits it out of the park. My dad jumps out of his chair and starts hollering. I put my hands on my head in disbelief. It just didn't seem real. I was thinking about my friends at the game and wondering where they were sitting.

    Now it's 8 yrs later. I graduated from LSU in 1999, recently got my CPA and have been working here in Houston for the past 3 yrs with a good job. If I would've gone to Omaha in '96, the plan was to miss the first week of summer classes and try to catch up as best I could. I see now that wouldn't have worked very well but obviously I'll be kicking myself forever for not going. I still have trouble convincing myself I made the right choice. Also, I tried rubbing that pendant a few times after the Morris game for football but didn't see any results. Maybe it only works for baseball and I need to ask my wife if she still has it. Or maybe I just need to get over my superstitions.
  7. OmahaLSUFan

    OmahaLSUFan Freshman

    Jun 16, 2004
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    umm i think it was 91 that was the first series that i really remember ive probably been to more and i picked LSU because of there colors but i was little... those colors can get u into trouble here in omaha
  8. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    I assume you're talking about Nebraska fans right? Is there a lot of dislike of LSU from Omaha Nebraska fans?
  9. OmahaLSUFan

    OmahaLSUFan Freshman

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Yes omaha nebraska actually we dont like Miami because of some old football thing who knows ( i dont really follow football) but something about the huskers and the canes, so miami isnt really liked here in omaha. We love LSU they have been adopted as our team so they have what seems like a home field advantage here in omaha. I ment that my little brother got cussed out by Stanford players after a championship game that Stanford played LSU and he was wearing a LSU jersey and beads with a LSU hat he was six and told the stanford players good game they didnt really like that and started cussing at him and saying they were gonna hit him it was aginst the sportsmen like conduct balh blah that they always announce. the poor little kid wasnt above there waste lines .
  10. EastBankTiger

    EastBankTiger Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    Actually, I've heard quite the opposite...

    I've never personally been to Omaha for the CWS - but know many folks that have. Every one of them has told me how much the Omaha folks love LSU and their fans. I'm sure that us knocking out Tennessee in the 2001 SEC championship game to clear the way for Nebraska to play for the BCS title didn't hurt :)

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