Todd Walker goes 4-5 tonight against Clemons...Well, not sure if all 4 hits were off of Clemons... Had to yell for him during the game even though I'm a ex-patriate cajun exiled in houston...
I even had my three-year-old daughter yelling Todd Walker's name after he hit that triple off of Clemens.
I'm a big Astros fan but had to belt out a "Geaux Tigers" when he hit the 2nd HR. I was standing behind the Crawford boxes and a couple of LSU fans joined in the cheer. Some of the Cubs fans around us probably thought we had a little too much to drink. It's amazing how much LSU gear/people you see in Houston. I must have seen at least 20 different LSU hats or shirts last night.
Walker was on ESPN highlights of course and he said that Clemons fast ball was only about 91 instead of his usual 94-95. I think Walker made a mistake and hit the 2nd home run too hard, I am sure he wanted that double instead to complete the cycle.