Try to imagine yourself in this man's shoes, being verbally assaulted with hatred and venom on a daily basis at his job. Try to imagine if you did the very best you knew how to do, and STILL, you were despised and hated without reason. How would you feel? How would you be able to function on a daily basis at your job? How would you feel every time you went out in public, knowing that people despised you and there was nothing you could do to change their minds?
Ok, ok. I imagined being that guy. My mighty heart was breaking when I thought of three months of vacation per year, flying around the world in a sweet plane and living in a giant mansion with no mortgage payment. Wait I'm still thinking.... Making speeches that Ivy League kids write for me, being adored (along with being loathed), throwing out the first pitch of the World Series, being addressed as Mr. President for the rest of my life. "And God, dear sweet Lord, please bless our President because people say mean things about him. Oh and starving children all over the world, if you have time."
Santa Monica, huh? That explains a lot. Don't trip over the homeless while roller blading with your "life partner".
what the president calls vacation, i would call unbearable stress. any time any **** goes down you have to be on top of it immediately. plus, when the pres is "on vacation" he is till taking daily meetings and briefings. and never being able to do anything like a normal person for the rest of your life. no queit drinks at the local pub, no anonymous walking down the street. cant do anything without a huge production and security, seems horrible i dunno how these guys can take it. ok well i agree with you there, i wouldnt care if people liked or hated me. but they will not leave you alone either way so you are screwed.
That actually is kind of funny. Let's get this straight though. The President, or any high ranking politician, does not care about you, your family, your life partner or your kids. He is not your friend, and he would look at you and think "voter" instead of "person." Don't tell me he spent millions of dollars campaigning to hold this position (twice) and did not know what he was in for. Obviously he likes being President more than not being President. Yes, I hope we have a tough guy for this tough job but keeping him in my prayers? Absurd.