The so called more disciplined Vols didn't last too long. According to a report that just came across the radio and UT player charged with aggravated assault By RANDY KENNER, [email protected] July 31, 2006 A University of Tennessee football player has been charged with aggravated assault after allegedly pointing a toy weapon at another motorist on Interstate 40 Sunday. The other driver turned out to be a law enforcement officer. Marsalous Johnson, a 20-year-old defensive back from Smyrna, was charged in Putnam County and was being held on a $10,000 bond.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: What a freaking idiot...first off get the real deal...dont be waiving a fake gun at random people...they might pull out a real gun and fire at you. You would need to then return fire and you cant do that with a fake gun. are just a moron to be waiving a gun around on the interstate at random people...but it is TN...they are not all bringht espcially in the mountains. I know, I have family there.