The oil and gas industry owns the legislature and Vitter and they are screwing Louisiana big time. It's bleak and depressed right now because of 8 years of a Republican governor. Vitter is Jindal with a whore.
Just goes to show you how far right politics have moved. Edwards is as close to the center as any democrat you will find. However he opposes Mary Jane legalization and even though I don't smoke it anymore and haven't for the longest stretch in my life since I was 17, it should be legal.
Legalization is one of the top 3 or 4 issues, up there after free trade and foreign policy. Not because smoking is fun, but because of how the war on drugs ruins everything here and abroad. So we agree on something.
Exxon owned Hillary until they quit contributing the Clinton Foundation. Now she wants them investigated. Maybe Exxon should be investigated for trying to influence anti climate change but the hilldebitch was all for it as long as the $$$$ was flowing in.
But would that suit hold up? I don't think so. If they reported that John Gacy had been arrested they did not tell a lie, nor did they besmirch or slander anyone else. I would think they other John Gacy would have to reside within close proximity of the one that was arrested. If the guilty guy was in Baltimore and the innocent one in Phoenix then I'm fairly certain he doesn't have much of a case at all. I do however get what you are saying and why the news wants to get it right, I just don't think the lawsuit you mention would hold water.
Vitter is not against medical marijuana. That should be a private matter between an individual and their doctor, i believe he said.