i assume this is a Spurrier knock, which is cool. But I must admit, the man did say some funny stuff in his day...like this jab at Auburn: 1991--Steve Spurrier, Florida football coach, telling Gator fans that a fire at Auburn's football dorm had destroyed 20 books: "But the real tragedy was that 15 hadn't been colored yet." That, my friends, is good schtick!
Yeah, this is a throwback to Spurrier. Payback would be nice after some of the thrashings we were victom to.
The Ol' Ball Coach said some great stuff in his day. One of my personal favorites was, "You cant spell Citrus without UT." He even has a book titled "Quotable Spurrier: The Nerve, Verve, and Victorious Words of and About Steve Spurrier, Americas Most Scrutinized Football Coach (Potent Quotables)".