I don't know if this is true or not, but a co-worker mentioned yesterday that Va Tech might soon announce their first game of the season next year against USC. If this is true they just ditch us like everyone else and pick up another highly ranked team?? Anyone hear anything like this?
I have not heard anything yet about this. If this were to be true it would be an outrage! We have got to start making the back out clause in our contracts more financially punishing for teams that back out.
I believe the rumor is for USC/VaTech to play in the BCA (Black Coaches Association) game to start the 2004 season. This game is in addition to the regular season. I would love for the BCA game to host the winner of the Sugar and Rose Bowl games...
I don't know if it's such a good thing to open with a top-3 team like USC or Okla. LSU uses such a complicated scheme on defense that Saban likes to build up as the season progresses. While we have a lot of players returning (hopefully not too many go pro), there will be new players and changes in roles. I doubt if LSU could have beaten USC or Okla in the 1st game. Look at how the changes Saban made improved the team. The LSU team we saw at the 2nd Ga. game was 14 points better than the one in the 1st Ga. game.
Stay with our September Tune-up strategy ... let USC & VT play the fool ... no need to get sucked into CHAOS ... hey, man! Keep as cool as you can!
Can someone remind me of the reason VT backed out. Wasn't it money or something financially related? What ever happens they better not spend more/receive less money than a game with LSU. I don't know the particulars of the LSU/VT deal, but I hope they wouldn't be that stupid. Not that I'm being picky, but isn't Beamer and Carroll a llittle too caucasian for the BCA.
I'm pretty sure it was money. They didn't have enough home games. I guess this game will give them a lot more of the profit than we would have.
As I understand it, a few years ago VT was scheduled to play East Carolina in the BCA Classic, but it was cancelled due to bad weather. It was going to be played at VT and tentative arrangements were made to reschedule it in 2004 at VT. The BCA decided they did not want East Carolina in the game b/c they suck. Negotiations broke off earlier in the year and that's when VT backed out of our game in 2004 b/c they claim they need another home game to replace this BCA game.