USC plays sloppy for 3 quarters almost every game... and no one questions their #1 spot... Texas plays uninspired, sloppy football for two quarters, and already the media is questioning their #1 spot.... im neutral with these two teams, but i can blatantly see the bias towards USC....
I can't stand either one but, because I'm an LSU fan in Texas, I hope USC beats the living **** out of Texas for the NC. :cuss:
Why? :dis: Im ready to see someone else on top. I like USC and have much respect for their players and coaching staff...But im ready to see them go down.
I dont want USC to make it to the Championship game. UCLA or Cal. is going to have to beat them. I dont think Stanford can hang with them even though they should have beat them last year. Stanford blew it just like they did to UCLA tonight. I dont want Virginia Tech either because they backed out on our game and they are welching jgw4thjhgg. I dont like Texas but i can take them over the other 2. And dont you think that would burn Stoops in the A@@. If everyone but Texas were to have a loss between now and pick em time and LSU were to win out i still dont think they would choose us. A 1 loss USC or Va Tech would still get in.
You forget USC still has Fresno State too. They are IMO the best team they have left. Cal is WAY too inconsitant and UCLA's D is just plain horrible. Matt will have a field day on their secondary. Va Tech will be beaten by "The U" or Florida State... Hmmm...Texas--they are in. LSU--keep dreaming. Shouldn't have choked against UT.