I just posted on one of their boards... Congrats, but now it's time for the real National Championship Game in New Orleans, and within 1 minute, my post was deleted and I was banned from their site. They are really ridiculous.
Hey Dothan...I'm sure that you'd be REAL happy if you were an administrator here and they came and did the same... Put the shoe on the other foot, and try to say, "They are really ridiculous," with a straight face again...
Well, I guess I did go too far by doing that. I'm not frustrated with the school of USC...they did play good and won today. I'm frustrated with the comments of lil' Pete and of course ABC.
Even with the shoe on the other foot I do not think the post would have been deleted or the poster banned here.
Their board is pretty pathetic though. Last week I asked a question about the top 3 teams and the Sugar Bowl. Within seconds I was immediately replied with threats, back talk about La., and put downs to my family and friends of La. Farm animals were also in their discussion. For the worst fans in the country, they sure do have a nice way to show themselves to the country.