I think Will Ferrel is misinformed. ok, ill give usc the AP championship, cause thats what they got. But I seem to recall LSU playing in THE National championship game...
If Bevo is the mascot because it represents Texas and Will Ferrell's comment was Southern Cal Trojans. Is that because of Sunset strip? Or all the butt raping going on in Hollywood?
More revisionist history. Not only did LSU not win a title in 2003, apparently we didn't even play in the champioship game. Unfortunately Will Ferrel s not the first to say this.
Most of those chitty hollywood actors have been USC fans for almost a year now. Bunch of bandwagon fags.
Will Farrell actually graduated from USC, so I guess his fanship (is that even a word?) is legitimate. This nonsense about a "3-peat" is not.