USC has its head so far its you know what.....

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dothantiger, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. dothantiger

    dothantiger Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Here is some of the trash that they're posting on their boards......

    A Thought for the BCS which could give USC the Whole Ball of Reply
    wax. Oklahoma and Ohio State must win and OSU must win Big as it is now (21-0) then maybe OSU beating KSU who beat Okla which beat LSU by a close low score 24-17 (let's say) ; Michigan beating OSU and The Trojans winning with no doubt might plant a thought about USC being a Unanimous #1. Coachs might change their minds and the computer might burp up a different answer. What are the chances of that happening?
    Good luck Trojans, Go Blue '74'

    I said earlier I wouldn't read this crap anymore, but instead of making me angry and upset, it's now making me laugh. It's really funny how delusional they are thinking that they beat a 3 loss team and can be the undisputed N.C.s

    It's clear to everyone that both LSU and OU are a much better team than Petey's P_ssies.

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