Does anybody know the website of the USC forum or message board. I want to hear what they are saying and how pissed they are.
USC Forum I was there last week, and I must warn you: Reason and common sense will NOT be tolerated!!!
If anything, they should be taking it out on OU and the BCS, but not LSU. Instead, many of the classless ones are taking it out on us. I ignore that, though. They are getting shafted, there is no doubt about that. We need to remain class over there if we are going to go over there and post. Let 'em vent. Wouldn't we do the same thing? Almost everyone in the U.S. agrees that the Sugar should match up LSU and USC. It is a travesty and a tragedy that this won't be happening. 24 hours ago, I was a big USC hater. Now, I am sympathetic to their plight. It could have just as easily been us.