well, if it takes a "split championship" to end the current BCS, then so be it....and WE will have done our part.
Yeh,they were screwed big-time.But then again this is the same school which had OJ give them a pep talk before last year's Orange Bowl.
That's what I'm saying claw. We did our part. Just like two years ago. Without the SEC Championship wins, the whole BCS system would've come out just fine. But we had to expose it for the fraud that it is.
While I think it is unfair, I don't feel bad for them. All week they used the BCS arguement to build up their case. Saying stuff like . . . "this is the system we play under so if LSU gets screwed, then too bad" and "SC has a better SOS, the BCS tell us so", etc. It should be LSU and SC, but the BCS worked against them, a system they used all week to explain how they deserved the NC game more than LSU.
I've been having a ongoing debate with Ted Miller of the Seattle paper during the last month. He said he voted LSU #2 behind USC this week saying he was very impressed with LSU over the last 2 weeks (He is one with a vote in the AP polls.) I replied and told him that if a split championship is what it takes to end the current BCS, then so be it. It is a tragically flawed system. I think we'll see some stipulation about a team not winning it's conference championship not being allowed to play in the championship game next year as a result...but that does nothing to help USC this year. I think that USC got the royal bend-over in this...which they didn't deserve. OU should be odd man out, but, we are currently stuck with this system, so, let's make the best of it and... GEAUX TIGERS!!! ------------------------------------------------------ Michael Clayton for Heisman 2004