I just saw where he lied and later said he wasn't prepared to speak about it. I d believe that getting caught off guard is a plausible explanation. POSSIBLE, all I'm saying. Put your personal feelings aside and imagine yourself being asked when you didn't see it coming.
basically then that's saying his instinct is to lie,.. but he just didn't have time to make it a good one
That's most people's immediate reflex, I'd bet. I consider myself to be pretty forthcoming (and people who know me would say the same- some say I'm an ass) but sometimes you get in a situation where it is a matter of self defense.
Now you're going to make me go dig. lol Oh snap, hadn't noticed his post. That is as good as a yes and you know it. PLUS as I said, he was caught off guard. But, no doubt, that is a better response than lying - which is what you would have done, really.
Exactly. And head coaches are very accustomed to answering a question by stating that they can't answer the question.