When I get time, I'll collate everyone's picks and try to keep this thing updated. If it gets very popular, maybe one of the mods can sticky it. BTW, this is a high risk high reward game. If you pick a 20 point underdog and win, you get a crapload of points, but if you lose, it is hard to come back.
i think he means upset so they have to win outright then you go to the points for your score. i'll have to take Vandi + the points even though it just started.
To clear up the confusion, you are going for the straight up upset. Not to cover the points. Example: LSU - Vanderbilt will have LSU as a 21 point favorite. If I pick Vandy, and they win by any score, then I will get 21 points. If LSU wins by any score, then I lose 10.5 points. Hence the incentive is to go for the game that has the largest points to cover because you get more points if you win. Of course, if you dont get the upset, then you are penalized big time as well.
Picks so far: Saz_1, San Deigo State over UCLA, 7.5 points Mystikalilusion, UAB over Tenn, 23.5 points Contained Chaos, Wyoming over UF, 22 points locoguano, Navy over Maryland, 7.5 points mcmikel, West Virginia over Syracuse, 1.5 points TigerBandMello, Colorado St. over Colorado, 8 points Maderan, Boise over Georgia, 7 points upsizin, Tulane over So. Miss, 10 points TigerinAustin, Vandy over Wake Forest, 9.5 points If you make a pick, please copy and paste the above and add your pick to the bottom. Also, if you want to change your pick, please copy and paste the entire list and change your pick while reposting. Saves me the hassle. Also, please use this format.
Saz_1, San Deigo State over UCLA, 7.5 points Mystikalilusion, UAB over Tenn, 23.5 points Contained Chaos, Wyoming over UF, 22 points locoguano, Navy over Maryland, 7.5 points mcmikel, West Virginia over Syracuse, 1.5 points TigerBandMello, Colorado St. over Colorado, 8 points Maderan, Boise over Georgia, 7 points upsizin, Tulane over So. Miss, 10 points TigerinAustin, Vandy over Wake Forest, 9.5 points Wingman, Air Force over Washington, 2.5 points That one was a no-brainer! :hihi:
Saz_1, San Deigo State over UCLA, 7.5 points Mystikalilusion, UAB over Tenn, 23.5 points Contained Chaos, Wyoming over UF, 22 points locoguano, Navy over Maryland, 7.5 points mcmikel, West Virginia over Syracuse, 1.5 points TigerBandMello, Colorado St. over Colorado, 8 points Maderan, Boise over Georgia, 7 points upsizin, Tulane over So. Miss, 10 points TigerinAustin, Vandy over Wake Forest, 9.5 points Saltyone, Kentucky over Louisville, 22 points