did we ever make a legit. catch in your minds? no holding on our jailbreaks up the middle? holding on their gunners to give them a first down? you tried to no avail
I'm with you! The refs sucked. They reviewed every pass they could, just looking for something to overturn. Not to mention ruining our momentum and giving BAMA time to regroup. They didn't review anything that would have potentially hurt Bama!
The replay could have gone either way, IMO. Not a particularly good call, since I would have gone w/ what was called on the field. But not an aggregious call. For some reason, we haven't gotten many calls on holding. It's happened all year (thinking of Vandy, especially.) Dunno why that is...
I personally didn't think the refs did that bad of a job in this one. I thought the two catches they reviewed probably should have been, and they made the right call in the end all 3 times.
Well the overturn on Buster's catch at midfield was a travesty to the rule that the replay needs to be indisputable. Even the homer announcers couldn't make up their minds. What a joke. And Buster caught that ball in the first half and that was not even reviewed.
Did you notice the hold in the endzone, which should have given us a safety? The ref looked like he reached for his flag, realized it would have been a safety, then ignored the tackle on our defensive lineman in the endzone. SAFETY -- no overtime
I thought that long pass from Croyle to DJ Hall in the first quarter (the one down the sideline), if reviewed, might have shown that he never got a foot down in bounds. I thought the only foot he got down was on the line. Anyone else see that??? I was screaming for a replay and was o: when they didn't bother to take a look at it....
yes, all calls that went Bama's way that could have been disputed were NEVER reviewed, and the CBS crew refused to analyze them and show replays. i thought his left (lead) foot was down and out of bounds as he is catching the ball....never did get to see any good replays on it of course
No Chit! That was horrible! From every angle that I saw it was a legit catch.....so much for "indisputable". It was poetic justice that we completed the very next pass for the first....and some. Otherwise, holding was not a call to be made tonight. But, we won and in the end that's what matters.