Unofficial Reports: John Chavis New DC

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by islstl, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. 07Tiger

    07Tiger Founding Member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Is Chavis an aggressive DC? I want someone that's aggressive and attacks the other team and not sit back and get attacked like this year.
  2. Andouille

    Andouille Guest

    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Coaches' press conferences and interviews are useless. There is much he can't say.

    What do you want him to say? "Our defensive coaches suck"? Miles, like the rest of us, knows there needs to be some changes and I'm confident those changes will be made.

    Most things (like firing people) need to be handled in a professional manner. You don't have to take people's dignity away. These are people he has a personal relationship with. They have families. He's going to allow them the chance to find new jobs. You want him to rake them over the coals?

    Relax dude and don't take press conferences seriously.
  3. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    read the thread, soft zone.
  4. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Plus, everything I seemed to "read into" the quotes from Miles would point to changes being made more likely than not. Stevescookin seemed to just be stirring the "I hate Miles" pot.
  5. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Looks like he is interviewing with Clemson first.
  6. khounba

    khounba Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Can't blame him. If nothing else it will probably sweeten any deal he would get with LSU.
  7. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Actually, I really like coach Les Miles a lot. I believe he's an outstanding person and that's what makes him a good recruiter.people really pick up on how genuine he is. I think he's unjustly criticized for winning with Saban's players. When he won the BCS championship last year, Saban's players may have been recruited by Saban but they were buried on the depth chart when Saban was the coach. I think Miles developed them and deserves credit. I never played football and don't have a basis to judge his coaching; and I think Miles will make the necessary changes to right the team.

    What I don't like is beating around the bush by saying nonsense. Miles would be better off by speaking more directly. I mean what does overall, inclusive mean. I do think that he should be more forthright with the fans who make LSU what it is.If something's none of our business, just say so.I think Bill Clinton would have been better off saying exactly that with regards to his private life rather than "It depends on what the word -is- means".

    I am guilty of not communicating very well that early in the morning myself. Thanks Andouille and StaceyO for pointing that out. I was trying to be lightly sarcastic about his answers and my "translations" were the thoughts of others that I read right here on these forums. I didn't expect anyone to take me that seriously;just wanted to make fun of the language.

    Not really trying to stir the I hate Les Miles pot at all,or suggesting that his coaches be raked over the coals. "Have a great day:miles:.
  8. LSU Engineer

    LSU Engineer Unnamed Source

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    Is Miles going to procrastinate and allow LSU to lose out on good candidates? Kind of similar to last year, he waited forever and we ended up with 2 guys in over their heads.
  9. Andouille

    Andouille Guest

    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

  10. NELA_Tigerfan

    NELA_Tigerfan When's kickoff?

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Re: DC Watch: John Chavis

    I'll assume he's on it. If not, and he settles for a subpar DC, then he'll be worried about more than a DC next year...

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